Unfazed by the task of getting certification for the 737 MAX software fixes, Boeing announced today the launch of development on the Boeing 737 MAX 11, with a maximum capacity increased sharply from any other 737 model to 290 in a single class high-density configuration.
"We're happy to announce the 737 MAX 11 concept today," says Boeing President Ralph Johnson. "Boeing has always been at the forefront of technology, and today's announcement will build upon that legacy with the most advanced and radically new 737 ever. It's practically a new airplane, with a new wing, a 30% stretch, new tail design, triple-bogie landing gear, new engines, but the same efficient and economical type rating. It even includes auto-throttle and trim settings that will automatically always set it to stall recovery, even when your not actually stalling. It's just another way of showing how much we care.
An estimated 4500 pilots showed up, however, to protest the new jet with signs such as "Not my airplane, and "nine is enough".
According to Boeing, the MAX 11, set to be in the same type and certification rating as the Boeing 737-600/700/800/900/-7/-8/-9/-10/-MAX 200 models will be available beginning Spring 2020.
No launch customer has been officially reported yet, although American, Southwest, Ryanair, VietJet, and Aeromexico have reportedly expressed interest.
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